You need to read this
Ipon Tayo doesn’t guarantee the legitimacy and accuracy of all the information posted on the website which covers each section of the website, blog article and corresponding comments by the visitors.
All content in this blog are published by the website owner, James Bryan Gonzales, and regardless of the source or origin of the information, you agree that using them in any way will solely be at your own risk. The website owner and the people who leave comments in the blog posts will not be held liable for any losses resulting from your reliance to any information posted here.
More importantly, the information published in this website should never be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified professional. All content here is provided for informational purposes only and provided ‘as is’ without warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind.
Moreover, the thoughts and advice expressed in this website in the comments section are the opinion of the individual authors and does not reflect the opinion and beliefs of the site owner.
Lastly, by following any advice or tip published in Ipon Tayo, you acknowledge that you will hold the site owner harmless from any loss, injury or damage resulting from or arising out of your use of or reliance on any information thereto.